I'm having issue with an ELK stack, ever since upgrading it to 8.14.1.
In Kibana, in the Observability > Stream Logs > Stream logs,
when trying to see the details of a log entry, I'm getting the following error instead:
Error while searching the log entry
Failed to validate: in : undefined does not match expected type { total: number, successful: number, skipped: number, failed: number } in : undefined does not match expected type Partial<{ failures: Array<Partial<{ index: (string | null), node: (string | null), reason: Partial<{ reason: (string | null), type: (string | null) }>, shard: number }>> }> in timed_out: undefined does not match expected type boolean in took: undefined does not match expected type number in hits: undefined does not match expected type { hits: Array<({ _index: string, _id: string } & { sort: [string, number] } & Partial<{ fields: { [K in string]: JsonArray } }>)> }.
This isn't logged either to the Kibana logs or the Elasticsearch logs, no matter how verbose I set the log level.
Everything else seems to be working fine.
Any idea of what could be causing this issue?