Is there any way to transform result JSON prior to returning it? I'm trying to optimize the performance of our system, which relies on a sometime narrow pipe between a web server and an ElasticSearch index cluster. I've found that the transmission of ElasticSearch result JSON back to the WebServers can hurt performance in some extreme situations, due to restricted bandwidth.
Is there any facility in Elasticsearch (besides specifying the fields I'm interested in returning) to further reduce the amount of JSON being returned? For instance, my immediate need is for the results to return merely an integer ID and distance value for each matching document. But the result JSON is also including the index name and type in every hit. When dealing with very large result sets, the JSON formatting overhead can add up. Below is an example of some of the current JSON I'm getting back, followed by an example of JSON I really need:
Current Output Format Sample:
took: 95,
timed_out: false,
_shards: {
total: 5,
successful: 5,
failed: 0,
hits: {
total: 1457,
max_score: null,
hits: [
_index: "myindex",
_type: "mytype",
_id: "1849116",
_score: null,
fields: {
id: 1849116
sort: [
_index: "myindex",
_type: "mytype",
_id: "723963",
_score: null,
fields: {
id: 723963
sort: [
JSON I'd Like to Receive:
hits: {
total: 1457,
max_score: null,
hits: [
{id: 1849116, sort: 0.39546441522778686},
{id: 723963, sort: 0.47589688265048097},
Any suggestions/recommendations on how to accomplish this?