Suddenly need to add track_scores to queries

Cluster: 2c4be5

Hello support!

We've been developing against 2.3.3 locally and recently created and deployed our application to your Cloud Service (cluster: 2c4be5, v2.3.3). What I've noticed is that our queries seem to now require 'track_scores' in order to limit our search results appropriately (we're sorting by published_at).

With our local install of ES 2.3.3, and setting track_scores: false or leaving out all together, we receive 34 results. When we set track_scores: true, we also receive 34 results. In production (in the cluster), if we set track_scores: false or leave out, we get 2186 results, but if we set track_scores: true, we get the expected 34.

Here's an example of the query:

    GET /video_catalogs/catalog_entry/_search?from=0&size=20
             "query":"waterparks OR waterpark"

Did this change recently (track_scores now defaults to false?), or is there some cluster level configuration that we can change?

Thanks for your help!

Hi @arustad,

I moved this post to the elasticsearch category as it seems that you should be able to get a better help there. From the cloud perspective we expose the elasticsearch api as is, without modifying it.


Thanks @igor_k, I was hoping that since I included a cluster ID that it might get some priority treatment from the Elasticsearch cloud support team.