Support for multipolygon query


I need to get the geo-coordinates under 2 different polygon(An array of separate polygons)
whether need to use geo-polygon query or multipolygon query? Can you help with the example query which ever is supported

E.g :
I tried to get the co-ordinates under two different polygon using below query. I got co-ordinates under this 2 polygon(1 to 4 one polygon and 5-8 is other polygon). Whether this approach is correct? If not which query i can use or how i get the co-ordinates under array of separate polygon?

"geo_polygon" : {
"geocoordinates" : {
"points" :
"lon": -72.2797966,
"lat": 42.9277896
"lon": -72.2785842,
"lat": 42.9263441
"lon": -72.281599,
"lat": 42.9259749
"lon": -72.2797966,
"lat": 42.9277896
"lon": 122.6220721,
"lat": -20.988796
"lon": 143.3642596,
"lat": -26.8894138
"lon": 124.0283221,
"lat": -32.8672851
"lon": 122.6220721,
"lat": -20.988796

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