i am using elastic search 0.20.5 version.
I have mapped in synonym file as follow
abc,oracle america
xyz,eloqua automation
and my analyzer mapping as following
{ \n"
+ " "index" : {\n"
+ ""analysis" : {\n"
+ ""analyzer" : {\n"
+ " "mainindexanalyzer" : {\n"
+ ""type":"custom",\n" //whitespace standard
+ ""tokenizer" : "standard",\n" //,"myshingle"
,"mystopword" "length", "length",["lowercase"
+ ""filter" :
+ ""char_filter" :["html_strip"]\n"
+ " },\n"
+ ""mainsearchanalyzer" : {\n"
+ ""type":"custom",\n"
+ " "tokenizer" :
+ ""filter" :
+ ""char_filter" :["html_strip"]\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "},\n"
+ ""filter" : {\n"
+ ""mystemmer":{\n"
+ " "type" : "stemmer",\n"
+ ""name" :"english"\n"
+ "},\n"
+ ""my_snowball" : {\n"
+ ""type" : "snowball",\n"
+ ""language" : "English"\n"
+ "},\n"
+ ""mystopword": {\n"
+ " "type" : "stop",\n"
+ ""stopwords_path" :"" + stopwordfilepath + "" ,\n"
//+ ""stopwords_path"
:"F:/resources/stopwordeng.txt" ,\n"
+ ""ignore_case":true\n"
+ "},\n"
+ ""myshingle":{\n"
+ " "type" : "shingle",\n"
+ ""max_shingle_size" :100,\n"
+ ""min_shingle_size":2,\n"
+ ""output_unigrams":true \n"
+ "},\n"
+ ""mysynonym": {\n"
+ " "type" : "synonym",\n"
+ ""synonyms_path" :"" + synonymfilepaths_to_p + ""
+ ""ignore_case":true,\n"
+ ""expand":true\n"
+ "},\n"
+ ""myworddelimiter":{\n"
+ " "type" : "word_delimiter",\n"
+ ""generate_word_parts" :true ,\n"
+ ""generate_number_parts" :true ,\n"
+ ""catenate_words" :true ,\n"
+ ""catenate_numbers" :false ,\n"
+ ""catenate_all" :true ,\n"
+ ""split_on_case_change" :true ,\n"
+ ""preserve_original" :true ,\n"
+ ""split_on_numerics":true ,\n"
+ ""stem_english_possessive":true,\n"
+ ""protected_words_path " : "" +
protectedwordfilepath + "",\n"
+ ""type_table_path " : "" + typetablefilepath +
+ "}\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "}";
and my index are following.
{id=4, Description=abc}
{id=5, Description=xyz}
{id=1, Description=Eloqua Automation}
{id=3, Description=Oracle america}
when I search using "oracle america" i get 'abc' and 'oracle america'
it's ok. but when searching using 'oracle' i got only 'oracle america'
it's also ok.
but I search using 'america' I got "oracle america" and "*abc" *both.
why both value are come when using america it my doubt.what it wrong.
Please help.
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