Hi all,
I want use synonym filter for search, my config
analysis: { filter: { synonym_filter: { type: "synonym", synonyms: [ "tp, saigon, sai gon, hcm, tphcm, sài gòn, sàigòn => Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh", "tp, hn, ha noi, noi ha => Hà Nội" ] } }, analyzer: { synonym_analyzer: { filter: [ "standard", "synonym_filter", "lowercase", "asciifolding" ], type: "custom", tokenizer: "whitespace" } } }
But when i search:
{ "query": { "multi_match": { "query": "tp", "type": "best_fields", "fields": [ "name" ], "operator": "and" } } }
Elastic only result one doc "Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh". Could u tell me why and how to fix it.
Thanks all.