Target of repeat operator is not specified vCenter pattner

I use the the pattners from

Now I get a Syntax error with this pattner.

Syntax error in the given pattern <%{INT:syslog_pri}>%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{IPORHOST:syslog_hostname} %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:syslog_timestamp} (?(?(?:[%{DATA:message_thread_id} %{DATA:syslog_level} '%{DATA:message_service}'\ ?%{DATA:message_opID}])) [%{DATA:message_service_info}]\ (?(%{GREEDYDATA})))
:target of repeat operator is not specified

Has someone a hint for me?

kr, felix

No one?

I suspect the repeated occurrences of (? are causing this. You probably meant to say (?: instead.

Yes, that was the problem. Thank you.

But what mean (?: