I was looking at the method in the TCP input plugin that enqueues incoming documents onto the output queue.
def enqueue_decorated(event, client_ip_address, client_address, client_port, socket)
event.set(HOST_FIELD, client_address) unless event.get(HOST_FIELD)
event.set(HOST_IP_FIELD, client_ip_address) unless event.get(HOST_IP_FIELD)
event.set(PORT_FIELD, client_port) unless event.get(PORT_FIELD)
event.set(SSLSUBJECT_FIELD, socket.peer_cert.subject.to_s) if socket && @ssl_enable && @ssl_verify && event.get(SSLSUBJECT_FIELD).nil?
@output_queue << event
What happens if output_queue is full and the << operator fails ? Does the TCP client get any notification ?