In my hypothetical 3 nodes, 5 shards, 1 replica setup: if there is some
temporary (let's say 30 min or so) network lag (the node answers to pings
etc, but only slowly/delayed/etc) between 2 nodes,
the cluster's search and other kinds of response times will go up kind of
arbitrarily, ... is this correct?
I'd obviously like to keep at least the search response times as fast as
possible such that the search response times won't be harmed by the laggy
box for the full 30 min of lagginess, but how?
The only two ways i can imagine is to a) remove the laggy box from the
cluster by setting a much lower discovery.zen.fd.ping_timeout,
but that does not seem to be a good idea ... or b) to temporarily exclude
the box from the search by setting ?preference=shards:1,2,3,...
such that shards located on the laggy box won't be listed. The boxes could
e.g. be monitored/pinged externally (not in ES) and the results written to
redis or similar.
Is this a reasonable idea or do you know of something better?
To implement such a thing it would be really really helpful to have a
_only_nodes preference where you can list multiple node ids
or better: ip addresses of the boxes you want only search on (feature
I think it would generally be a good idea to allow ip addresses to be used
in addition to node id's for the _only_node and _prefer_node preferences.
Thank you very much for ES and your help
-- benjamin
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