Term query retrieved not matched document

with following query dsl :
{ "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "content_id": "227524474579977216" } }, { "term": { "problem_type": 22 } } ] } } }

but retrieved document ' s problem_type is 85, not match the query condition
{ "_index": "articles", "_type": "novel", "_id": "190143452187855629", "_version": 8, "_score": 16.928886, "_source": { "content_id": "227524474579977216", "audit_type": 0, "content_type": 1, "creator": "sys", "create_time": "2018-06-09 16:42:13", "audit_status": 1, "audit_time": "2018-06-11 10:28:31", "category": "生活", "source_name": "枪声粉碎生活宁静", "publish_time": "2018-06-09 16:42:03", "problem_type": [85], } }
used index api to update same _id document problem_type field .

if change to use update api to update same _id document problem_type field, will not occur not matched result

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