Term query with range date


I have to perform these query:

(creationTime >= 1449054530286 AND creationTime <= 1449054540286) AND
(client_code IN (‘CL1’,’CL2’) OR criterion_code = ‘country’)

My Query DSL:

"query" :
"bool" :
"filter": { "range" : { "creationTime": { "gte": 1449054530286, "lte": 1449054540286 } } },
{ "terms" : { "client_code" : [ "CL1", "CL2"] } },
{ "term" : { "criterion_code" : "country1" } }

But this seems to perform this query:

(creationTime >= 1449054530286 AND creationTime <= 1449054540286) OR
(client_code IN (‘CL1’,’CL2’) OR criterion_code = ‘country’)

How can I do this?


Try this:


Next time try to format your query so its easier to understand what you are trying to run against elasticsearch.