Term Vectors in Nested Documents

Hi I am not able to get the term vectors to work with nested documents. Not sure if my Mapping is right. Pls find the mapping below.

I get an error - No handler found for uri [/test-vector/doc/1/_termvectors?pretty=true] and method [GET], when i issue - GET test-vector/doc/1/_termvectors?pretty=true

PUT /_template/template_vector_test
					"type": "nGram",
					"min_gram": 3,
					"max_gram": 8
					"type": "custom",
					"tokenizer": "ngram_tokenizer",
					"filter": ["lowercase"]
            "_timestamp":{"enabled": "true","store":"true","format":"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS","default":"now"},
									"analyzer": "ngram_tokenizer_analyzer"


Duh!! there was a typo in the term vector command. I got this to work!