I am currently exploring the option of using scripts with aggregations and
I noticed that for some reason scripts for terms aggregations are executed
much slower than for other aggregations, even if the script doesn't access
any fields yet. This also happens for native Java scripts. I'm running
Elasticsearch 1.1.0.
For example, on my data set the simple script "1" takes around 400ms for
the sum and histogram aggregations, but takes around 25s to run on a terms
aggregation, even on repeated runs. What is going on here? Terms
aggregations without a script are very fast, and histogram/sum aggregations
with scripts that access the document are also very fast: I had to
transform a script aggregation that should have been a terms aggregation
into a histogram and convert the numeric values back into terms on the
client so the aggregation would be executed in reasonable time.
In [2]: app.search.search({'size': 0, 'query': { 'match_all': {} },
'aggregations': { 'test_script': { 'terms': { 'script': '1' } } }})
{u'_shards': {u'failed': 0, u'successful': 246, u'total': 246},
u'aggregations': {u'test_script': {u'buckets': [{u'doc_count': 4231327,
u'key': u'1'}]}},
u'hits': {u'hits': [], u'max_score': 0.0, u'total': 4231327},
u'timed_out': False,
u'took': 24986}
In [10]: app.search.search({'size': 0, 'query': { 'match_all': {} },
'aggregations': { 'test_script': { 'sum': { 'script': '1' } } }})
{u'_shards': {u'failed': 0, u'successful': 246, u'total': 246},
u'aggregations': {u'test_script': {u'value': 4231327.0}},
u'hits': {u'hits': [], u'max_score': 0.0, u'total': 4231327},
u'timed_out': False,
u'took': 363}
In [8]: app.search.search({'size': 0, 'query': { 'match_all': {} },
'aggregations': { 'test_script': { 'histogram': { 'script': '1',
'interval': 1 } } }})
{u'_shards': {u'failed': 0, u'successful': 246, u'total': 246},
u'aggregations': {u'test_script': {u'buckets': [{u'doc_count': 4231327,
u'key': 1}]}},
u'hits': {u'hits': [], u'max_score': 0.0, u'total': 4231327},
u'timed_out': False,
u'took': 421}
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