I am not sure if this is a bug or it just works like this. Lets take an
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/test1'
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/test1/type1/1' -d '{"obj1" : [{"name" :
"blue","count" : 4},{"name" : "green","count" : 6}]}'
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/test1/type1/_search?pretty=1' -d
'{"query": {"match_all": {}},"facets": {"facet1": {"terms_stats":
{"key_field" : "obj1.name","value_field": "obj1.count"}}}}'
This returns:
I have a question about this
Why total_count, min, max, total and mean are calculated for whole document
obj1 and not just for specified terms (green, blue) separately ?
When obj1 has nested type and the request is:
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/test/type1/_search?pretty=1' -d
'{"query": {"match_all": {}},"facets": {"facet1": {"terms_stats":
{"key_field" : "name","value_field": "count"}},"nested":"obj1"}}'
the answer is OK:
But the question is why in the first case is like above. Is it a bug or a
feature ?
Best regards.