Text not stemmed after inserted in the index with language specific analyzer

I have 2 fields in my index, one containing the standardly analyzed content, while the other one uses a german analyzer. However, when I insert documents, they don't seem to be stemmed at all, even though they should be by the language-specific analyzer. I've created a minimal example that doesn't work for me:

Create an index:

PUT test-index
    "settings": {
        "index": {
            "mapping": {
                "total_fields": {
                    "limit": 1500
        "number_of_shards": 1,
        "number_of_replicas": 0,
        "refresh_interval": "1s"
    "mappings": {
        "_source": {
            "enabled": true
        "dynamic_templates": [
                "default_string": {
                    "match": "*",
                    "match_mapping_type": "string",
                    "mapping": {
                        "type": "keyword",
                        "index": true,
                        "store": false
        "properties": {
            "standard_content": {
                "type": "text",
                "index": true,
                "analyzer": "standard",
                "search_analyzer": "standard"
            "stemmed_content": {
                "type": "text",
                "index": true,
                "analyzer": "german",
                "search_analyzer": "german"
    "aliases": {}

Add a document:

POST test-index/_doc/test-doc
    "standard_content": "Das Wort Orangen sollte nach dem Stemming zu Orange werden.",
    "stemmed_content": "Das Wort Orangen sollte nach dem Stemming zu Orange werden."

Essentially, per test the word "Orangen" should be stemmed to "Orange", "sollte" to "soll", and so on. However, the result when I run a match_all query is identical as inserted.

I had a similar setup already working for stemming/preprocessing language-specific content, but for some reason, it doesn't work now, and I don't understand why. Hopefully, someone can see where I'm making a mistake. Thanks!

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