I am very new to the stack and need some advice.
I have been trying to make sense out of our logs, imported to ES using logstash, and generating graphs (and queries) from kibana.
I ran into some difficulties when I started to look for a way to visualize some success/failure ratio.
As I can't get a readable visualization in kibana for this problem, I decided to write the Elasticsearch query using the Bucket Script Aggregations needed to get this information.
I now have the information I was looking for, in a nice and very long JSON format, ready to be parsed and sorted.
Hundreds of blocks like this:
... { "key": "my_institution_name", "doc_count": 153255, "Response_success": { "doc_count": 116924 }, "failure_ratio": { "value": 23.706 } }, ...
My question is what are my options to use this elasticsearch output and actually make something readable out of it?
My first idea is to write a script to parse it all and create a sorted table Institutions - Failure ratio.
Do you have some alternatives that would make more sense?
Should I (/ is there a good way ) to create an index out of the result and to use it into kibana? The original idea was to make a graph, it seems a bit conterproductive to skip kibana, parse the thing by hand and plot the result... :-/