Hi @laoyang360,
This says that gradle could not build Elasticsearch. Maybe you forgot to set JAVA_HOME
for this user?
You can find the detailed output of the Gradle build in /home/elasticsearch/.rally/benchmarks/races/2016-08-08-05-36-47/local/logs/build/build.gradle.tasks.package.log
Can you share the output here please?
Hi @laoyang360,
Sadly, this indicates a problem with your network connection again.
Gradle was not able to download an artifact for the build. I fear the best you can do is to retry until Gradle was able to fetch all dependencies. To speed up this process I suggest you directly run:
cd /home/elasticsearch/.rally/benchmarks/src
gradle :distribution:tar:assemble
Repeat this until Gradle could download all dependencies and the build succeeds. Once this is done you can run Rally again and the build will run fine.
As an aside: I really wonder about your network connection. Is this a corporate network or your private home connection? Can you share a few more details about the type of connection you use? Do you experience similar problems with other software too?
1 Like
Hi, @danielmitterdorfer:
Is this a corporate network or your private home connection? Can you share a few more details about the type of connection you use?
Your know, I am in a corporate network in China. Does the connection refused by Great Firewall of China.
Do you experience similar problems with other software too?
No, I running many many software from github and many other foreign network, I never come across the above similar problem before.
I find the new problem:
When I run as root user, running:
cd /home/elasticsearch/.rally/benchmarks/src
gradle :distribution:tar:assemble
The result is
... ....
deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
:modules:transport-netty4:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:distribution:tar:signArchives SKIPPED
But when I run as the "elaticsearch" user, running :
cd /home/elasticsearch/.rally/benchmarks/src
gradle :distribution:tar:assemble
The follow errors appers:
elasticsearch@laoyang src]$ gradle :distribution:tar:assemble
:buildSrc:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:writeVersionProperties UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:classes UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:jar UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:assemble UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:compileTestGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:test UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:check UP-TO-DATE
:buildSrc:build UP-TO-DATE
Download https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/com/github/jengelman/gradle/plugins/shadow/1.2.3/shadow-1.2.3.jar
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':benchmarks'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':benchmarks:classpath'.
> Could not download shadow.jar (com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:1.2.3)
> Could not get resource 'https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/com/github/jengelman/gradle/plugins/shadow/1.2.3/shadow-1.2.3.jar'.
> Connection reset
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 5 mins 52.512 secs
Hi @laoyang360,
Gradle caches downloaded artifacts by user in ~/.gradle/caches
so it's perfectly possible that the build succeeds for root (where all artifacts could be downloaded successfully) but not for the user elasticsearch.
Now, I running ok, There is no any other error agin.
The result of my elasticsearch is:
Preparing for race (might take a few moments) ...
Building from sources ...
Metric |
Value |
Min Indexing Throughput [docs/s] |
11949 |
Median Indexing Throughput [docs/s] |
12307 |
Max Indexing Throughput [docs/s] |
13349 |
Indexing time [min] |
164.045 |
Merge time [min] |
32.3815 |
Refresh time [min] |
8.82333 |
Flush time [min] |
1.63852 |
Merge throttle time [min] |
1.45482 |
Query latency default (90.0 percentile) [ms] |
68.8676 |
Query latency default (99.0 percentile) [ms] |
77.6009 |
Query latency default (100 percentile) [ms] |
78.8328 |
Query latency term (90.0 percentile) [ms] |
4.63227 |
Query latency term (99.0 percentile) [ms] |
10.9506 |
Query latency term (100 percentile) [ms] |
13.0573 |
Query latency phrase (90.0 percentile) [ms] |
6.35018 |
Query latency phrase (99.0 percentile) [ms] |
13.1745 |
Query latency phrase (100 percentile) [ms] |
14.2399 |
Query latency country_agg_uncached (90.0 percentile) [ms] |
361.913 |
Query latency country_agg_uncached (99.0 percentile) [ms] |
384.75 |
Query latency country_agg_uncached (100 percentile) [ms] |
392.645 |
Query latency country_agg_cached (90.0 percentile) [ms] |
7.71451 |
Query latency country_agg_cached (99.0 percentile) [ms] |
17.4704 |
Query latency country_agg_cached (100 percentile) [ms] |
18.4851 |
Query latency scroll (90.0 percentile) [ms] |
50.4234 |
Query latency scroll (99.0 percentile) [ms] |
50.9866 |
Query latency scroll (100 percentile) [ms] |
51.2115 |
Query latency expression (90.0 percentile) [ms] |
482.02 |
Query latency expression (99.0 percentile) [ms] |
485.951 |
Query latency expression (100 percentile) [ms] |
491.999 |
Query latency painless_static (90.0 percentile) [ms] |
890.382 |
Query latency painless_static (99.0 percentile) [ms] |
918.354 |
Query latency painless_static (100 percentile) [ms] |
927.282 |
Query latency painless_dynamic (90.0 percentile) [ms] |
968.908 |
Query latency painless_dynamic (99.0 percentile) [ms] |
1019.14 |
Query latency painless_dynamic (100 percentile) [ms] |
1021.97 |
Median CPU usage (index) [%] |
887.7 |
Median CPU usage (stats) [%] |
94.9 |
Median CPU usage (search) [%] |
445.05 |
Total Young Gen GC [s] |
89.121 |
Total Old Gen GC [s] |
12.274 |
Index size [GB] |
3.30111 |
Totally written [GB] |
20.2123 |
Heap used for segments [MB] |
21.6794 |
Heap used for doc values [MB] |
0.113129 |
Heap used for terms [MB] |
20.0574 |
Heap used for norms [MB] |
0.0761719 |
Heap used for points [MB] |
0.770404 |
Heap used for stored fields [MB] |
0.6623 |
Segment count |
96 |
Indices Stats(90.0 percentile) [ms] |
11.5116 |
Indices Stats(99.0 percentile) [ms] |
14.1724 |
Indices Stats(100 percentile) [ms] |
36.8348 |
Nodes Stats(90.0 percentile) [ms] |
11.342 |
Nodes Stats(99.0 percentile) [ms] |
13.435 |
Nodes Stats(100 percentile) [ms] |
16.4768 |
Logs for this race are archived in /home/elasticsearch/.rally/benchmarks/races/2016-08-08-07-29-59/local/logs-geonames-append-no-conflicts-defaults.zip
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
I want to know more detail about the result. If I have other problem, I will ask you again.
Thank you very much. I'm very very happy.
Hi @laoyang360,
Do you need specific info on some metric?
I am very happy too and I am glad you had so much persistence. You also uncovered a few usability problems that I need to tackle.