The circuit breaker has detected a slowdown or stall in the pipeline

We migrate to filebeat: 1.1.1 + logstash: 2.1.1 + elasticsearch: 2.1.0, I keep seeing the following errors in the logstash logs.

{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T03:49:58.845000-0500", :message=>"CircuitBreaker::Close", :name=>"Beats input", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T03:50:16.579000-0500", :message=>"CircuitBreaker::rescuing exceptions", :name=>"Beats input", :exception=>LogStash::SizedQueueTimeout::TimeoutError, :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T03:50:16.581000-0500", :message=>"Beats input: The circuit breaker has detected a slowdown or stall in the pipeline, the input is closing the current connection and rejecting new connection until the pipeline recover.", :exception=>LogStash::CircuitBreaker::HalfOpenBreaker, :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T04:07:01.289000-0500", :message=>"Beats input: the pipeline is blocked, temporary refusing new connection.", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T04:07:01.292000-0500", :message=>"CircuitBreaker::Open", :name=>"Beats input", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T04:07:01.298000-0500", :message=>"Beats input: The circuit breaker has detected a slowdown or stall in the pipeline, the input is closing the current connection and rejecting new connection until the pipeline recover.", :exception=>LogStash::CircuitBreaker::OpenBreaker, :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T04:07:01.790000-0500", :message=>"Beats input: the pipeline is blocked, temporary refusing new connection.", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T04:07:02.294000-0500", :message=>"Beats input: the pipeline is blocked, temporary refusing new connection.", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T04:07:02.798000-0500", :message=>"Beats input: the pipeline is blocked, temporary refusing new connection.", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T04:07:03.302000-0500", :message=>"Beats input: the pipeline is blocked, temporary refusing new connection.", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T04:07:03.806000-0500", :message=>"Beats input: the pipeline is blocked, temporary refusing new connection.", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T04:07:04.310000-0500", :message=>"Beats input: the pipeline is blocked, temporary refusing new connection.", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T04:07:04.814000-0500", :message=>"Beats input: the pipeline is blocked, temporary refusing new connection.", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-02-17T04:07:05.318000-0500", :message=>"Beats input: the pipeline is blocked, temporary refusing new connection.", :level=>:warn}

In ELK 1.x stack, the logstash output the events to Redis, I never see the above issues.

Do you have any ideas to walk around the above issues?

any help in this error ?