The data you are seeing might be incomplete or wrong


Recently delete an index with DELETE filebeat-7.5.0-2019.12.03-000001 and now I'm having all sorts of different issues with searching and visualizations.

The data you are seeing might be incomplete or wrong.

Is a message I see when trying to search. On visualizations I get:

1 of 18 shards failed

The data you are seeing might be incomplete or wrong. 

as well as

[esaggs] > "field" is a required parameter

Any tips on how to fix this? I assume my command deleted the actual content of the index, not the index itself. Seeing as I have similar data, I don't understand what was dependent on that specific index.

I also now have 8 conflicting fields. These fields are, even without the index I deleted, present in the older index, for which filebeat-* should have no problem accessing. Any tips on why they are now conflicted?

Index Template is based on filebeat-*.

Thank you!


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