The program ./ doesn't do anything

While doing the labs for module 1 for Elasticsearch Engineer, I am required to run the bash script ./ It doesn't load the blogs into the blogs index after I see the script complete. When I go back into Kibana all I see is 7 blogs. Since a number of questions in the lab rely on these documents being loaded, it makes it difficult to do the labs. Please help and advise.

-Ingmar Thompson

Hi @ingmar
apologies for getting back late to you. It's correct that you are supposed to first load 7 blog articles by uploading a file and then upload many more blog articles by running the script.
Be aware though, that you are supposed to do so in 2 different clusters. When you are at the Strigo console you have 2 different links to Kibana: Kibana1 and Kibana2. You were supposed to upload the file into cluster 2 by using Kibana2. As far as I understand this is also what you've done.

When you run the bash script it loads the blogs into cluster 1. When you went back to Kibana and still saw the 7 blog articles from before I guess you did so, by using Kibana2. Please use Kibana1 for checking for the blog articles loaded by the script.

Please let me know if this helped.


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