Time fields show different time

Hello again,

I find a new problem where in the logs of a Paloalto I see that the "ReceivedTime" field and the "column103" field show a different time.

I would appreciate your help

input {
    file {

        path => "/opt//system-mypanoramafirewall/2023/11/*/user.log"
        exclude => "*.gz"
        start_position => "beginning"
        tags => [ "PAN-OS_SysLog" ]

filter {
    if "PAN-OS_SysLog" in [tags] {

        # Log types are "TRAFFIC", "THREAT", "CONFIG" and "SYSTEM". URL & Wildfire logs are inside Threat logs
    # Log fields: https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/documentation/80/pan-os/pan-os/monitoring/syslog-field-descriptions

        if ([message] =~ /TRAFFIC/) {
            csv {
                source => "message"
                columns => [
                    "FUTURE_USE", "ReceiveTime", "SerialNumber", "Type", "Threat_ContentType", "FUTURE_USE",
                    "GeneratedTime", "SourceIP", "DestinationIP", "NATSourceIP", "NATDestinationIP", "RuleName",
                    "SourceUser", "DestinationUser", "Application", "VirtualSystem", "SourceZone", "DestinationZone",
                    "InboundInterface", "OutboundInterface", "LogForwardingProfile", "TimeLogged", "SessionID",
                    "RepeatCount", "SourcePort", "DestinationPort", "NATSourcePort", "NATDestinationPort", "Flags",
                    "Protocol", "Action", "Bytes", "BytesSent", "BytesReceived", "Packets", "StartTime", "ElapsedTime",
                    "URLCategory", "FUTURE_USE", "SequenceNumber", "ActionFlags", "SourceLocation",
                    "DestinationLocation", "FUTURE_USE", "PacketsSent", "PacketsReceived", "SessionEndReason",
                    "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel1", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel2", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel3",
                    "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel4", "VirtualSystemName", "DeviceName", "ActionSource", "SourceVMUUID",
                    "DestinationVMUUID", "TunnelID_IMSI", "MonitorTag_IMEI", "ParentSessionID", "ParentStartTime",

            mutate {
                convert => [ "Bytes", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "BytesReceived", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "BytesSent", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "ElapsedTime", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "GeoIP.dma_code", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "GeoIP.latitude", "float" ]
                convert => [ "GeoIP.longitude", "float" ]
                convert => [ "NATDestinationPort", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "NATSourcePort", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "Packets", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "PacketsReceived", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "PacketsSent", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "SequenceNumber", "integer" ]
                replace => [ "host", "%{DeviceName}" ]
                add_tag => [ "PAN-OS_Traffic"]
                remove_field => ["message"]
                remove_field => ["column108"]
                remove_field => ["ParentStartTime"]
#                ruby {
#            code => "event['GeneratedTime'] = event['GeneratedTime'].localtime('+08:00')"
#    }


        else if ([message] =~ /THREAT/) {
            csv {
                source => "message"
                columns => [
                    "FUTURE_USE", "receive_time", "serial_number", "type", "threat_category", "version",
                    "GeneratedTime", "src_ip", "dest_ip", "src_translated_ip", "dest_translated_ip", "rule",
                    "src_user", "dest_ser", "application", "virtual_system", "src_zone", "dest_zone",
                    "src_interface", "dest_interface", "LogForwardingProfile", "FUTURE_USE", "session_id",
                    "repeat_count", "source_port", "dest_port", "src_translated_port", "dest_translated_port", "session_flags",
                    "protocol", "vendor_action", "misc", "threat", "raw_category", "severity", "direction",
                    "sequence_number", "action_flags", "client_location", "dest_location", "FUTURE_USE",
                    "ContentType", "pcap_id", "file_digest", "Cloud", "url_index", "user_agent", "file_type",
                    "X-Forwarded-For", "referer", "sender", "subject", "recipient", "FUTURE_USE",
                    "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel1", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel2", "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel3",
                    "DeviceGroupHierarchyLevel4", "vsys_name", "DeviceName", "FUTURE_USE", "SourceVMUUID",
                    "DestinationVMUUID", "HTTPMethod", "TunnelID_IMSI", "MonitorTag_IMEI", "ParentSessionID",
                    "ParentStartTime", "TunnelType", "category", "content_version", "FUTURE_USE", "FUTURE_USE",
                    "FUTURE_USE", "FUTURE_USE"

            mutate {
                convert => [ "GeoIP.dma_code", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "GeoIP.latitude", "float" ]
                convert => [ "GeoIP.longitude", "float" ]
                convert => [ "NATDestinationPort", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "NATSourcePort", "integer" ]
                convert => [ "SequenceNumber", "integer" ]
                replace => [ "host", "%{DeviceName}" ]
                add_tag => ["PAN-OS_Threat"]
                remove_field => ["message"]

        else if ([message] =~ /CONFIG/) {
            csv {
                source => "message"
                columns => [
                    "FUTURE_USE", "ReceiveTime", "Serial_Number", "Type", "Subtype", "FUTURE_USE", "GeneratedTime", "Host",
                    "Virtual_System", "Command", "Admin", "Client", "Result", "Configuration_Path", "Sequence_Number",
                    "Action_Flags", "Before_Change_Detail", "After_Change_Detail", "Device Group Hierarchy Level 1",
                    "Device Group Hierarchy Level 2", "Virtual_System_Name", "DeviceName"

            mutate {
                replace => [ "host", "%{DeviceName}" ]
                add_tag => [ "PAN-OS_Config"]
                remove_field => ["message"]


        else if ([message] =~ /CORRELATION/) {
            mutate {
                replace => [ "host", "%{DeviceName}" ]
                add_tag => [ "PAN-OS_Correlation"]

        else if ([message] =~ /SYSTEM/) {
            csv {
                source => "message"
                columns => [
                    "FUTURE_USE", "ReceiveTime", "Serial_Number", "Type", "Content/Threat_Type", "FUTURE_USE", "GeneratedTime",
                    "Virtual_System", "EventID", "Object", "FUTURE_USE", "FUTURE_USE", "Module", "Severity", "Description",
                    "Sequence_Number", "Action_Flags", "Device Group Hierarchy Level 1", "Device Group Hierarchy Level 2",
                    "Device Group Hierarchy Level 3", "Device Group Hierarchy Level 4", "Virtual_System_Name", "DeviceName", "Bytes", "By
tes Sent"

            mutate {
                replace => [ "host", "%{DeviceName}"]
                add_tag => [ "PAN-OS_System"]
#remove_field => ["message"]

        mutate {
            # Original message has been fully parsed, so remove it.
            #remove_field => [ "message" ]

        # Geolocate logs that have SourceIP if that SourceIP is a non-RFC1918 address
        if [SourceIP] and [SourceIP] !~ "(^127\.0\.0\.1)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^192\.168\.)|(^169\.
254\.)" {
            geoip {
               source => "SourceIP"
               target => "SourceIPGeo"

            # Delete 0,0 in SourceIPGeo.location if equal to 0,0
            if ([SourceIPGeo.location] and [SourceIPGeo.location] =~ "0,0") {
                mutate {
                    replace => [ "SourceIPGeo.location", "" ]

        # Geolocate logs that have DestinationIP and if that DestinationIP is a non-RFC1918 address
        if [DestinationIP] and [DestinationIP] !~ "(^127\.0\.0\.1)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^192\.168\
.)|(^169\.254\.)" {
            geoip {
                source => "DestinationIP"
                target => "DestinationIPGeo"

            # Delete 0,0 in DestinationIPGeo.location if equal to 0,0
            if ([DestinationIPGeo.location] and [DestinationIPGeo.location] =~ "0,0") {
                mutate {
                    replace => [ "DestinationIPGeo.location", "" ]


output {
    if "PAN-OS_SysLog" in [tags] {
        elasticsearch {
            index => "paloalto-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
            hosts => ["localhost:9200"]

Can you share some evidence of this? You just shared your logstash pipeline, not any document that shows what is different.

It is not clear what is different here.

Also, according to the Palo Alto documentation, column 103 would be the High Resolution Timestamp field, which is indeed different from the Receive Time field.

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In which timezone are you in? This looks like a timezone issue.

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Colombia - Bogotá

Yeah, this looks like a timezone issue since the difference between the times are 5 hours, which is the difference from Bogotá time to UTC. (UTC-5)

Is the time in your Palo Alto time in UTC or in Bogotá Time?

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In the version I have from ELK I can use the Splunk add-on called "ElasticSplunk" the curious thing is that when I make the query from Splunk to ELK, the "GeneratedTime" and "ReceiveTime" fields are correct, they only appear with time difference when I visualize it from Kibana.

Because Kibana converts date time from UTC to your browser timezone.

You didn't answer that, if the time in your Palo Alto is in Bogotá time, you need to use a date filter in logstash to inform it, because those two fields do not have any timezone information, and Elasticsearch assumes that every date string is in UTC if it does not have timezone information.

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No soy admin del firewall, lo mas seguro es que la fecha sea la de America Bogotá, pero me quedo tranquilo que los eventos tienen la fecha correcta cuando lo consulto desde Splunk.

Muchas gracias por tu ayuda.

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