Time Filter used while creating index pattern

Can we select multiple time filters for filtering our data while creating an index pattern?
In my data, I have 3-time fields: Grant Date, Status Date, Validity Date.
I want to filter my data according to Grant and Validity Date.
How can I do that?

Do you want to filter the data of your index patterns in dashboards and visualizations by these fields? You can only connect a single field to the time picker on the top right, but you can add filters on other fields by adding filter pills below the query bar and pinning them.

Thank You So Much Joe for helping me out. :slight_smile:

How do I give the date values in the filter?
When I give date value as "Feb 25, 2017 @ 15:26:28.307" to "Feb 26, 2017 @ 16:26:28.307" , it gives following error:
Discover: failed to parse date field [Feb 25, 2017 @ 16:26:28.307] with format [strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis]: [failed to parse date field [Feb 25, 2017 @ 16:26:28.307] with format [strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis]]

That's a little confusing - you have to specify dates in the format of the mapping of your index. In your case it's either strict_date_optional_time or epoch_millis . 2017-02-25 or 2017-02-25T16:26:28Z (be aware of UTC timezone) should both work.

Reference: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/date.html

Thank You Joe
It helped.

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