Time Zone issue with Range Query


I am facing one strange issue with range query "time_zone" parameter.

I have the Elasticsearch documents stored in the server of America/Chicago timezone.
Basically, I am trying to fetch records from "12:00 AM of 14th-October-2022" in same time_zone(America/Chicago) with my query which contains filter of one term and range queries as follows:

    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "range": {
                        "last_epoch": {
                            "time_zone": "America/Chicago",
                            "gte": "1665723600"
                    "term": {
                        "id": "60"

This Query gives me 0 records but I have 10 records which qualify the above criteria. I have tried with an time_zone offset(-5:00) still doesn't working for America/Chicago time_zone.

It works with other time_zones like I tried with Asia/Kolkata time_zone and its working as expected.

Note - Server side we have Elasticsearch 6 and on my local side elasticSearch 7.

Please, Any Suggestions?

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