Timeout error in ES


I am having three node cluster in my environments and got an error like this as below.

when i checked in marvel... it shows an Request timeouterror in the status(RED).

"[2017-06-21 14:14:22,324][DEBUG][action.admin.indices.get ] [datanode-2] timed out while retrying [indices:admin/get] after failure (timeout [30s])"

"[2017-06-21 14:14:22,324][WARN ][rest.suppressed ] path: /_mapping, params: {index=_mapping}
at org.elasticsearch.action.support.master.TransportMasterNodeAction$AsyncSingleAction$5.onTimeout(TransportMasterNodeAction.java:234)"

I want to know that, why this types of errors are happened?

NOTE: Even i could noticed that CPU also very high.


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