Timezone in range query builder for epoch timestamp


I have timestamp field in the ES Doc which has epoch timestamp UTC [long value].
Ques :

  1. How can I retrieve data in other time zone from the epoch timestamps in ES.

  2. As we have support in DateHistogramAggregationBuilder for time zone,
    Do we have similar support for time range query builder ?

     // date Histogram code snippet 
     String zoneId = "Asia/Tokyo" ;
     DateTimeZone dateTimeZone =                   
     DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(ZoneId.of(zoneId))) ;
     dateHistogramAggregationBuilder.timeZone( dateTimeZone);
     // Range Query Builder
     QueryBuilder rangeQueryBuilder =  QueryBuilders.rangeQuery(timeFieldInDoc).gte(startTime).lt(endTime).timeZone(zoneId) ; // **exception** 
     caused_by":{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"time_zone must be UTC for format 
    GET /myindex/type/_search
       "query": {
         "bool": {
          "must": [
            {"match": {
              "randomId": "60PEJO"
            } }
          "filter": {
            "range": {
              "timestamp": {
                "gte": 10,
                "lte": 207847237915672365,
                 "time_zone": "+01:00"

@cbuescher Any idea about this OR Is there way to retrieve dayOfWeek from timestamp[which is in UTC] to some other timezone .


Hi @jpmiitian,

finally found some time to try this, sorry for the delay in getting back. Timezones don't work with "epoch_millis" format in range, but you can specify another format in the range query, even if the field you query has "epoch_millis" format. I just tried the following in ES 6.1.1:

GET /my_index/_mapping

  "my_index": {
    "mappings": {
      "my_type": {
        "properties": {
          "date": {
            "type": "date",
            "format": "epoch_millis"

PUT /my_index/my_type/1
  "date" : 1514761200000  <-- Thats 2018-01-01 00:00:00 in UTC+1

GET /my_index/_search
    "query": {
        "range" : {
            "date" : {
                "gte": "2018-01-01", 
                "lte": "2018-01-02",
                "format": "yyyy-MM-dd", 
                "time_zone": "+01:00"

"hits": {
    "total": 1,
    "max_score": 1,
    "hits": [
        "_index": "my_index",
        "_type": "my_type",
        "_id": "1",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "date": 1514761200000

With timezone "-01:00" there are no hits, so the zone takes effect.
I only tried the rest endpoint but this should also apply to the JAVA Api.

I think you might be able to use scripts for doing this in aggregations, but this depends very much on the use case I think. I'd open a separate issue for this since I'm not too familiar with this myself.

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