With Sunspot I could have a boost command and add score to a document
based on a calculation
searchable do
boost { popularity * 0.1 }
this would boost an instance based on a numeric fields named popularity.
How do I implement it with Tire?
How do I exclude results that match one value of a list? Let's say I
want to exclude all documents with a field id is 1 or 2 or 3. (Like SQL's
WHERE id NOT IN (1,2,3))
On Friday, October 26, 2012 2:05:29 AM UTC+2, Elad Ossadon wrote:
2 questions:
With Sunspot I could have a boost command and add score to a document
based on a calculation
searchable do
boost { popularity * 0.1 }
this would boost an instance based on a numeric fields named popularity.
How do I implement it with Tire?
How do I exclude results that match one value of a list? Let's say I
want to exclude all documents with a field id is 1 or 2 or 3. (Like SQL's
WHERE id NOT IN (1,2,3))
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