Tokenizer pattern with special character not working

'index' => 'contact',

            'body' => 
                'settings' => 
                    'number_of_shards' => 3,
                    'number_of_replicas' => 2,
                            "lowercase_normalizer"=> [
                                "type"=> "custom",
                                "filter"=> ["lowercase"]
                        "tokenizer" =>[
                            "comma" =>[
                                "type" => "pattern",
                                "pattern" => "|**|",
                        "analyzer" =>[
                            "comma" =>[
                                "type" => "custom",
                                "tokenizer" => "comma"
                'mappings' => [
                        '_source' => [
                            'enabled' => true
                        'properties' => 
                          'appId' => 
                                'type' => 'long',
                        'bank' => [
                            "type" => "text",
                            "analyzer" => "comma"

This is the code iam using .
It is working when change pattern '||' to ','
But '|
|' this is the pattern i used . comma is not suitable for me

can you please provide sample documents and a full blown reproducible example that uses real JSON and not the string representation of a language, so that other people can locally reproduce this?

Also I have not fully understood what text sample is working and what is not working and what are the expected results. Please make sure that those things are clear and reproducible.


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