Too many dynamic script compilations within max

I know there are some posts about this but they didn't completely awnser my question.

I'm processing millions of data in terms of documents which need to be updated by a "where query" using two fields. The data in the query is coming from an external system. The posts I perform look like the one below, of course the values change.

   "query" : {
   "bool" : {
       "must" : [
           "term" : {
           "path.raw" : {
           "value" : "d:/kibana-7.3.0/x-pack/legacy/plugins/siem/node_modules/lodash/fp/takeRight.js"
      "range" : {
        "" : {
          "gte" : "2019-07-24T16:58:46Z",
          "lte" : "2019-07-24T16:58:46Z"
"script" : {
   "source" : "ctx._source.file.hash = '0A98E2919C1776463A3AD3768663987F'",
    "lang" : "painless"


First of all is this the correct way to do updates like this or are there better methods? I'm already using bulk when I know the actual _id the document to update.

Is it safe the change the max setting? And if not, then how should I perform something like this.

Thanks a lot!

I managed to get around the exception by using params. The question remains is this the best and fastest way to do this kind of updates?


using params will solve your script issue. Alternatively you could also use a pipeline like mentioned in the update by query docs (if you are using update by query, not a hundred percent sure).


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