Hello all, I'm trying to execute the following query:
query = {
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"fuzzy_like_this_field": {
field_name: {
"like_text": text,
"min_similarity": 0.95,
"max_query_terms": 10000
"has_parent": {
"type": "user",
"query": {
"match": {
"_id": parent_id
I run it as a checkup before indexing some things to avoid having
duplicate/simmilar texts already indexed for a particular user, but
sometimes I'm getting a TooManyClauses Exception. Anyone knows why?
Maybe the max_query_terms is too high? By the way, what does the
max_query_terms do *exactly *? The documentation isn't very clear on
that... By the way the text field can be very long (its the text of some
HTML pages, without the markup), and I need to run a fuzzy match to avoid
duplication, as this can supersize my index very easily, and some pages can
change slightely (thats why the 0.95 similarity) without changing the
semantics itself.
Any help is appreciated.
The stacktrace I'm receiving is:
ElasticHttpError: (500, u'SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute
phase [query], all shards failed; shardFailures
nested: QueryPhaseExecutionException[[users][2]: query[filtered(+null
Query Failed [Failed to execute main query]]; nested:
maxClauseCount is set to 1024]; nested: TooManyClauses[maxClauseCount is
set to 1024]; }{[FQ28Q01yTBaDxyAgTFcidQ][users][3]:
QueryPhaseExecutionException[[users][3]: query[filtered(+null
Query Failed [Failed to execute main query]]; nested:
maxClauseCount is set to 1024]; nested: TooManyClauses[maxClauseCount is
set to 1024]; }{[ofOw22icTAycLqH0PIsXug][users][0]:
nested: QueryPhaseExecutionException[[users][0]: query[filtered(+null
Query Failed [Failed to execute main query]]; nested:
maxClauseCount is set to 1024]; nested: TooManyClauses[maxClauseCount is
set to 1024]; }{[ofOw22icTAycLqH0PIsXug][users][1]:
nested: QueryPhaseExecutionException[[users][1]: query[filtered(+null
Query Failed [Failed to execute main query]]; nested:
maxClauseCount is set to 1024]; nested: TooManyClauses[maxClauseCount is
set to 1024]; }{[FQ28Q01yTBaDxyAgTFcidQ][users][4]:
QueryPhaseExecutionException[[users][4]: query[filtered(+null
Query Failed [Failed to execute main query]]; nested:
maxClauseCount is set to 1024]; nested: TooManyClauses[maxClauseCount is
set to 1024]; }]')
// Matheus Salvia
Desenvolvedor Mobile
Celular: +55 11 9-6446-2332
Skype: meta.faraday
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