Зависают шарды после настроек (проблема с настройками индекса)

Есть проблема. после настройки индекса и его запуска шарды зависают
Порядок действий:

Создаю индекс news
делаю curl -XPOST '
далее curl -XPUT ' -d
{ "settings": { "analysis": { "char_filter": { "ru": { "type": "mapping", "mappings": [ "Ё=>Е", "ё=>е" ] } }, "filter:": { "russian_stop": { "type": "stop", "stopwords": [ "а", "без", "более", "бы", "был", "была", "были", "было", "быть", "в", "вам", "вас", "весь", "во", "вот", "все", "всего", "всех", "вы", "где", "да", "даже", "для", "до", "его", "ее", "если", "есть", "еще", "же", "за", "здесь", "и", "из", "или", "им", "их", "к", "как", "ко", "когда", "кто", "ли", "либо", "мне", "может", "мы", "на", "надо", "наш", "не", "него", "нее", "нет", "ни", "них", "но", "ну", "о", "об", "однако", "он", "она", "они", "оно", "от", "очень", "по", "под", "при", "с", "со", "так", "также", "такой", "там", "те", "тем", "то", "того", "тоже", "той", "только", "том", "ты", "у", "уже", "хотя", "чего", "чей", "чем", "что", "чтобы", "чье", "чья", "эта", "эти", "это", "я" ], "ignore_case": "true" }, "custom_stop": { "type": "stop", "stopwords": [ "n", "r" ] }, "custom_word_delimiter": { "type": "word_delimiter", "generate_word_parts": "false", "generate_number_parts": "true", "catenate_words": "true", "catenate_numbers": "false", "catenate_all": "true", "split_on_case_change": "false", "preserve_original": "true", "split_on_numerics": "false" } }, "analyzer": { "russian_analyzer": { "type": "custom", "char_filter": [ "html_strip", "ru" ], "tokenizer": "standard", "filter": [ "stop", "custom_stop", "russian_stop", "custom_word_delimiter", "lowercase", "russian_morphology", "english_morphology" ] } } } } }

потом curl -XPOST 'http:/'$1'/_open

после этого процессор загружается почти на 100 % выдает следующее
index shard prirep state docs store ip node news 2 p INITIALIZING Hardshell news 2 r UNASSIGNED news 4 p INITIALIZING Hardshell news 4 r UNASSIGNED news 1 p UNASSIGNED news 1 r UNASSIGNED news 3 p INITIALIZING Hardshell news 3 r UNASSIGNED news 0 p INITIALIZING Hardshell news 0 r UNASSIGNED .kibana 0 p STARTED 1 3.1kb Hardshell .kibana 0 r UNASSIGNED

{ "commands": [ { "allocate": { "index": "news", "shard": 2, "node": "Hardshell", "allow_primary": "true" } } ] }

выдает вот такое


"acknowledged": true,
"state": {
"version": 82140,
"state_uuid": "-jOgAb-PTy6Gus-Px_jz8A",
"master_node": "1CKLV2W4TS6jP0BIuFctPQ",
"blocks": {

"nodes": {
  "1CKLV2W4TS6jP0BIuFctPQ": {
    "name": "Hardshell",
    "transport_address": "",
    "attributes": {

"routing_table": {
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            "relocating_node": null,
            "shard": 0,
            "index": "news",
            "version": 801,
            "unassigned_info": {
              "reason": "ALLOCATION_FAILED",
              "at": "2017-03-11T20:27:42.607Z",
              "details": "failed to create index, failure IndexCreationException[failed to create index]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Custom Analyzer [russian_analyzer] failed to find filter under name [custom_stop]]; "
            "state": "UNASSIGNED",
            "primary": false,
            "node": null,
            "relocating_node": null,
            "shard": 0,
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            "version": 801,
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              "reason": "INDEX_REOPENED",
              "at": "2017-03-11T20:25:24.378Z"
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              "id": "fxi3mcxaRqizjpyZeLKMyg"
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              "reason": "ALLOCATION_FAILED",
              "at": "2017-03-11T20:27:42.555Z",
              "details": "failed to create index, failure IndexCreationException[failed to create index]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Custom Analyzer [russian_analyzer] failed to find filter under name [custom_stop]]; "
            "state": "UNASSIGNED",
            "primary": false,
            "node": null,
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            "shard": 1,
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            "version": 813,
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              "reason": "INDEX_REOPENED",
              "at": "2017-03-11T20:25:24.378Z"
        "2": [
            "state": "INITIALIZING",
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            "shard": 2,
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              "id": "oA7ZGJ0MTjaO2Ev1z---UQ"
            "unassigned_info": {
              "reason": "INDEX_CREATED",
              "at": "2017-03-11T20:27:42.694Z",
              "details": "force allocation from previous reason ALLOCATION_FAILED, failed to create index, failure IndexCreationException[failed to create index]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Custom Analyzer [russian_analyzer] failed to find filter under name [custom_stop]]; "
            "state": "UNASSIGNED",
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            "node": null,
            "relocating_node": null,
            "shard": 2,
            "index": "news",
            "version": 815,
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              "reason": "INDEX_REOPENED",
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            "version": 803,
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            "unassigned_info": {
              "reason": "ALLOCATION_FAILED",
              "at": "2017-03-11T20:27:42.555Z",
              "details": "failed to create index, failure IndexCreationException[failed to create index]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Custom Analyzer [russian_analyzer] failed to find filter under name [custom_stop]]; "
            "state": "UNASSIGNED",
            "primary": false,
            "node": null,
            "relocating_node": null,
            "shard": 3,
            "index": "news",
            "version": 803,
            "unassigned_info": {
              "reason": "INDEX_REOPENED",
              "at": "2017-03-11T20:25:24.378Z"
        "4": [
            "state": "INITIALIZING",
            "primary": true,
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            "relocating_node": null,
            "shard": 4,
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            "version": 809,
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              "id": "mYTAiqjtQfy3eOuJlEyrzQ"
            "unassigned_info": {
              "reason": "ALLOCATION_FAILED",
              "at": "2017-03-11T20:27:42.416Z",
              "details": "failed to create index, failure IndexCreationException[failed to create index]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Custom Analyzer [russian_analyzer] failed to find filter under name [custom_stop]]; "
            "state": "UNASSIGNED",
            "primary": false,
            "node": null,
            "relocating_node": null,
            "shard": 4,
            "index": "news",
            "version": 809,
            "unassigned_info": {
              "reason": "INDEX_REOPENED",
              "at": "2017-03-11T20:25:24.378Z"


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"node": null,
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"index": "news",
"version": 815,
"unassigned_info": {
"reason": "INDEX_REOPENED",
"at": "2017-03-11T20:25:24.378Z"
"state": "UNASSIGNED",
"primary": false,
"node": null,
"relocating_node": null,
"shard": 4,
"index": "news",
"version": 809,
"unassigned_info": {
"reason": "INDEX_REOPENED",
"at": "2017-03-11T20:25:24.378Z"
"state": "UNASSIGNED",
"primary": false,
"node": null,
"relocating_node": null,
"shard": 1,
"index": "news",
"version": 813,
"unassigned_info": {
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"at": "2017-03-11T20:25:24.378Z"
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"at": "2017-03-11T20:25:24.378Z"
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"shard": 0,
"index": "news",
"version": 801,
"unassigned_info": {
"at": "2017-03-11T20:27:42.607Z",
"details": "failed to create index, failure IndexCreationException[failed to create index]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Custom Analyzer [russian_analyzer] failed to find filter under name [custom_stop]]; "
"state": "UNASSIGNED",
"primary": false,
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"relocating_node": null,
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"version": 4,
"unassigned_info": {
"at": "2017-03-10T22:08:47.966Z"
"nodes": {
"1CKLV2W4TS6jP0BIuFctPQ": [
"state": "INITIALIZING",
"primary": true,
"node": "1CKLV2W4TS6jP0BIuFctPQ",
"relocating_node": null,
"shard": 2,
"index": "news",
"version": 815,
"allocation_id": {
"id": "oA7ZGJ0MTjaO2Ev1z---UQ"
"unassigned_info": {
"reason": "INDEX_CREATED",
"at": "2017-03-11T20:27:42.694Z",
"details": "force allocation from previous reason ALLOCATION_FAILED, failed to create index, failure IndexCreationException[failed to create index]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Custom Analyzer [russian_analyzer] failed to find filter under name [custom_stop]]; "
"state": "INITIALIZING",
"primary": true,
"node": "1CKLV2W4TS6jP0BIuFctPQ",
"relocating_node": null,
"shard": 4,
"index": "news",
"version": 809,
"allocation_id": {
"id": "mYTAiqjtQfy3eOuJlEyrzQ"
"unassigned_info": {
"at": "2017-03-11T20:27:42.416Z",
"details": "failed to create index, failure IndexCreationException[failed to create index]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Custom Analyzer [russian_analyzer] failed to find filter under name [custom_stop]]; "
"state": "INITIALIZING",
"primary": true,
"node": "1CKLV2W4TS6jP0BIuFctPQ",
"relocating_node": null,
"shard": 1,
"index": "news",
"version": 813,
"allocation_id": {
"id": "fxi3mcxaRqizjpyZeLKMyg"
"unassigned_info": {
"at": "2017-03-11T20:27:42.555Z",
"details": "failed to create index, failure IndexCreationException[failed to create index]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Custom Analyzer [russian_analyzer] failed to find filter under name [custom_stop]]; "
"state": "INITIALIZING",
"primary": true,
"node": "1CKLV2W4TS6jP0BIuFctPQ",
"relocating_node": null,
"shard": 3,
"index": "news",
"version": 803,
"allocation_id": {
"id": "oGOEogJTTE2AS38V02r1yQ"
"unassigned_info": {
"at": "2017-03-11T20:27:42.555Z",
"details": "failed to create index, failure IndexCreationException[failed to create index]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[Custom Analyzer [russian_analyzer] failed to find filter under name [custom_stop]]; "
"state": "STARTED",
"primary": true,
"node": "1CKLV2W4TS6jP0BIuFctPQ",
"relocating_node": null,
"shard": 0,
"index": ".kibana",
"version": 4,
"allocation_id": {
"id": "w3vkOuAOQv2OyxZuSkuG8Q"

проверяю settings, фильтр с названием custom_stop вроде на месте


"news" : {
"settings" : {
"index" : {
"creation_date" : "1489263907513",
"analysis" : {
"analyzer" : {
"russian_analyzer" : {
"filter" : [ "stop", "custom_stop", "russian_stop", "custom_word_delimiter", "lowercase", "russian_morphology", "english_morphology" ],
"char_filter" : [ "html_strip", "ru" ],
"type" : "custom",
"tokenizer" : "standard"
"char_filter" : {
"ru" : {
"type" : "mapping",
"mappings" : [ "Ё=>Е", "ё=>е" ]
"filter:" : {
"custom_stop" : {
"type" : "stop",
"stopwords" : [ "n", "r" ]
"russian_stop" : {
"ignore_case" : "true",
"type" : "stop",
"stopwords" : [ "а", "без", "более", "бы", "был", "была", "были", "было", "быть", "в", "вам", "вас", "весь", "во", "вот", "все", "всего", "всех", "вы", "где", "да", "даже", "для", "до", "его", "ее", "если", "есть", "еще", "же", "за", "здесь", "и", "из", "или", "им", "их", "к", "как", "ко", "когда", "кто", "ли", "либо", "мне", "может", "мы", "на", "надо", "наш", "не", "него", "нее", "нет", "ни", "них", "но", "ну", "о", "об", "однако", "он", "она", "они", "оно", "от", "очень", "по", "под", "при", "с", "со", "так", "также", "такой", "там", "те", "тем", "то", "того", "тоже", "той", "только", "том", "ты", "у", "уже", "хотя", "чего", "чей", "чем", "что", "чтобы", "чье", "чья", "эта", "эти", "это", "я" ]
"custom_word_delimiter" : {
"split_on_numerics" : "false",
"generate_word_parts" : "false",
"preserve_original" : "true",
"catenate_words" : "true",
"generate_number_parts" : "true",
"catenate_all" : "true",
"split_on_case_change" : "false",
"type" : "word_delimiter",
"catenate_numbers" : "false"
"number_of_shards" : "5",
"number_of_replicas" : "1",
"uuid" : "V_O095dtTpWhlkV5GxtIcw",
"version" : {
"created" : "2040499"
Уже не знаю куда копать. подскажите куда копать, или может в settings ошибка.
Причем если из analyzer.russian_analyzer.filter убрать custom_stop то начинает ругаться на следующий фильтр russian_stop. Получается ES не видит фильтры? или я их куда то не туда записываю?

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