Total Hours bar chart from min starttime and max endtime. How?

I am trying to create a visualization by considering a min of a start time and max of end time in a day logged by 1000's of documents based on a unique id. How can i perform this in Kibana ? Will scripted field help me here ?

for example
Total Hours: 2 hours is calculated from Doc1 and Doc2 with uniqueid : unique1
Doc 1
"runid" : "Unique1",
"starttime" : "2018-06-10 T 00:00:15"
"endtime" : "2018-06-10 T 00:48:15"


"runid" : "Unique1",
"starttime" : "2018-06-10 T 00:50:15"
"endtime" : "2018-06-10 T 02:00:15"

Total Hours: 45mins is calculated from Doc3 and Doc4 with uniqueid : unique2
Doc 3
"runid" : "Unique2",
"starttime" : "2018-06-10 T 00:00:20"
"endtime" : "2018-06-10 T 00:26:15"

"runid" : "Unique2",
"starttime" : "2018-06-10 T 00:27:15"
"endtime" : "2018-06-10 T 00:45:20"

Hi Sandeep,

this is unfortunately not possible with scripted fields, since scripted fields can only be used to calculate a value within one document. In you case you actually need to look across multiple documents to come up with the result.

I think the only way to calculate this would be a scripted fields aggregation, where you basically have a terms aggregation for the runid on the outer level and then nest a scripted fields, that keeps on reducing the min/max value of all fields, and in the end (reduce_script) actually calculate the difference between those two absolute min/max within that bucket.

Scripted metrics field are not yet supported in Kibana, you can track #2646 to stay informed about scripted metrics field aggregation.


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