Tracing question related to apmot and apmhttp

If we create traces using the go agent and apmot can those traces be sent to Jaeger backend?

With regards to apmhttp what does a span mean when the doc says outgoing requests are traced as spans? Is it a span in the open tracing sense or a span in a generic sense of connecting http calls between clients and backends?

Welcome to the forum, @lakamsani!

If we create traces using the go agent and apmot can those traces be sent to Jaeger backend?

No. The Elastic APM agents can only send to Elastic APM Server. If you want to send to Jaeger, you'll need to use the Jaeger Go client.

With regards to apmhttp what does a span mean when the doc says outgoing requests are traced as spans ? Is it a span in the open tracing sense or a span in a generic sense of connecting http calls between clients and backends?

Elastic APM has some different terminology to OpenTracing, but roughly speaking, span means the same thing here. For apmhttp specifically:

  • incoming HTTP requests handled by an instrumented server is reported as transactions
  • outgoing HTTP requests sent by an instrumented client are reported as spans, so long as they occur within a transaction

You can read more about the terminology at Data Model | APM User Guide [8.11] | Elastic.

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