Transforms keep falling behind / not processing any documents

Hi, I have a datastream that receives 1000s of requests a minute. I am testing with a script to make logs, it makes 1000 requests in a minute. I am very new to Elasticsearch. The datastream works fine. I set up a transform (1_minute) to group and aggregate these logs by 1 minute along with other groupings, this works perfectly. I then set up another transform with the source pointed to the 1_minute destination index. Here I group it into 1_hour instead of 1 minute, with the same mappings overall. For some reason, this transform falls behind very easily with operations_behind ranging in 2-10 operations. Any clues? Any more info I must give?

My transform JSONs:

  "id": "1_min_access_logs",
  "authorization": {
    "roles": [
  "version": "10.0.0",
  "create_time": 1721693863674,
  "source": {
    "index": [
    "query": {
      "match_all": {}
  "dest": {
    "index": "1_min_access_logs"
  "sync": {
    "time": {
      "field": "@timestamp",
      "delay": "60s"
  "pivot": {
    "group_by": {
      "@timestamp": {
        "date_histogram": {
          "field": "@timestamp",
          "calendar_interval": "1m"
      "user_account": {
        "terms": {
          "field": "user_account"
      "request_method": {
        "terms": {
          "field": "request_method"
      "request_path": {
        "terms": {
          "field": "request_path"
      "response_code": {
        "terms": {
          "field": "response_code"
    "aggregations": {
      "response_time": {
        "avg": {
          "field": "response_time"
      "num_docs": {
        "value_count": {
          "field": "request_id"
  "description": "1_min_access_logs",
  "settings": {}
  "id": "1_hour_access_logs",
  "authorization": {
    "roles": [
  "version": "10.0.0",
  "create_time": 1721694111690,
  "source": {
    "index": [
    "query": {
      "match_all": {}
  "dest": {
    "index": "1_hour_access_logs"
  "sync": {
    "time": {
      "field": "@timestamp",
      "delay": "120s"
  "pivot": {
    "group_by": {
      "@timestamp": {
        "date_histogram": {
          "field": "@timestamp",
          "calendar_interval": "1h"
      "user_account": {
        "terms": {
          "field": "user_account"
      "request_method": {
        "terms": {
          "field": "request_method"
      "request_path": {
        "terms": {
          "field": "request_path"
      "response_code": {
        "terms": {
          "field": "response_code"
    "aggregations": {
      "num_docs": {
        "sum": {
          "field": "num_docs"
      "response_time_average": {
        "avg": {
          "field": "response_time_average"
  "description": "1_hour_access_logs",
  "settings": {}

