Transport.go:125: ERR SSL client failed to connect with: dial tcp *.*.*.*:5044: i/o timeout

I am trying to learn and work on ELK stuff. Configured ELK server and it's good so far.

Configured file beat in elk client server. To send log files to ELK server, i restarted filebeat service.

It restarted with following msg and log files are not being transferred to ELK server:

transport.go:125: ERR SSL client failed to connect with: dial tcp ...:5044: i/o timeout.

Please help me to resolve it.

I have followed the below link to configure elk:

can anyone help resolving the above issue?

Hi @raghuvarma,

Could you please share your filebeat.yml settings? It would be nice to take a look to it in order to guess what's going on

Best regards

thanks for looking into this.

Got it resolved. 5044 port was not opened b/w elk server and client. i opened it and working fine now.

Thanks again

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