TransportClient design for Multiple Clusters

Hi ES experts,

For a system that you anticipate there will grow in # of clusters, how will you design it in a Machine learning way, that it knows the # of clusters has increased and it will create an additional transport client?

Here is my 1st attempt:

void config(){
      //create placeholders for setting and transportclient
      List<Setting> = new ArrayList<Setting>();
      List<TransportClient> = new ArrayList<TransportClient>();
      //retrieve properties value from
         PropertiesConfiguration prop = new PropertiesConfiguration("");
        String[] clusterArray = prop.getStringArray("");
    //loop through clusterArray and pass setting config to createTransportClient()
     for(String cluster: clusterArray){
         Settings settings = Settings.builder()
        .put("", cluster).build();
void createTransportClient(Setting setting){
      TransportClient client = new PreBuiltTransportClient(settings);

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