Issue: I am trying to visualize API response times in percentiles using Prometheus histogram data stored in Elasticsearch. Despite sending data from Prometheus to Elasticsearch, I am encountering difficulties in creating meaningful visualizations.
Kibana Version: 8.4.3 -
I am using Prometheus to collect histogram data (
). -
Data is then exported to Elasticsearch for storage and visualization in Kibana.
Response times are stored in cumulative buckets using the
(less than or equal) operator in Prometheus. -
Challenge: I am unsure about the correct approach to extract and visualize percentiles (like 90th percentile) from histogram data stored in Elasticsearch.
Desired Outcome: My goal is to create Kibana visualizations that show percentile response times over time, segmented by API endpoints.
Could anyone provide guidance on how to properly extract percentile metrics from Prometheus histogram data stored in Elasticsearch, particularly when using cumulative buckets with the
operator? -
Any examples, suggestions or alternative approach on setting up Kibana visualizations for percentile API response times would be greatly appreciated.
api_response_time_bucket{endpoint="/ep1", le="10"} 5
api_response_time_bucket{endpoint="/ep1", le="25"} 5
api_response_time_bucket{endpoint="/ep1", le="50"} 15
api_response_time_bucket{endpoint="/ep1", le="100"} 15
api_response_time_bucket{endpoint="/ep1", le="1000"} 15
api_response_time_bucket{endpoint="/ep1", le="+Inf"} 15