Trying to do a simple query filter

Good Day,

Maybe Im just over thinking this, but I just want to do a simple filter / query on a numberic number.

I have a document with a timestamp and hour (0-23) have the query of data I need, but I need to filter / query it where docHour is greater than 23 (11:00pm) and less than 04 (4:00am) but Its just not working. What is the best way to do this kind of query. Do I use multiple ranges ???

this works for me

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "range":{"timestamp" : {"gte": "2019-02-26 23:00:00", "lte": "2019-02-27 04:00:00"}}

The problem with that query is that I only want where time is greater than 11:00pm and less that 4:00am. I only need those hours per day. So I can't use the date part cause it will then use the date as well.

I do have a field for hour which is an integer that is from 0 - 23. Thats why I want to use hour .

Could you provide a full recreation script as described in About the Elasticsearch category. It will help to better understand what you are doing. Please, try to keep the example as simple as possible.

A full reproduction script will help readers to understand, reproduce and if needed fix your problem. It will also most likely help to get a faster answer.

GET tmc2018_feb/_search

"bool": {
"should": [
{"match": { "dayOfWeek.keyword": "Tue"}},
{"match": { "dayOfWeek.keyword": "Wed"}},
{"match": { "dayOfWeek.keyword": "Thu"}}
"sort": [
"measurement_timestamp": {
"order": "asc"

Forgive me for my newbie status with this.

Basically what I'm trying to do it...
1.) return records to me that are from Tue, Wed, or Thu. Now I also only want records that are from the hours of 11:00pm to 4:00am in the morning. I also have a DateTime field named ' measurement_timestamp ' if that is better to use, but to seperate and filter against the times and day it was suggested I have those fields seperate (thus the hours and DayOfWeek fields).
2.) sort asc

I can't copy and paste to reproduce anything.
Please follow my instructions if you need further assistance.

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