Trying to save the last data for parameter X aggregated on field UID

I am trying to save the last data for parameter X aggregated on field transactionId using:

  aggregate {
		task_id => "%{transactionId}"
		code => "
			if (event.get('SRI_sent').eql? '0')
				event.set('SRI_sent', map['SRI_sent'])
			event.set('cdrType', 'aggregated')
		push_map_as_event_on_timeout => true
		timeout_task_id_field => "transactionId"
		timeout => 100

This does not work all that SRI_sent is 0 does not get the last value but gets nil, the last log with the same transactionId has '0' in the SRI_sent field.
How can I save the information to the last log?

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