TTransportException error using thrift


I am a newbie about Elasticsearch. I am trying ES in my projects.
I want to connect ES cluster using Thrift with python client. I installed
plugin to all machines and restarted them.Then I see 9500 port is LISTEN.However, I try to run python file in client and it gives me "ConnectionError: ConnectionError(TSocket read 0 bytes) caused by: TTransportException(TSocket read 0 bytes)" error. I can connect and index or query without any problem using HTTP.

This problem has troubled me for a long time.

Is there any additional configurations on server side or client side?


If you are using elasticsearch < 2.0, did you install the plugin?

But read carefully. It's not maintained anymore in 2.0.

Thank you for replying.

I'm using elasticsearch 1.7.0 , and I installed the plugin.

I set thrift in elasticsearch.yml:

port: 9500
frame: 10mb

what should I do next??

I don't know. May be share your logs?

That said I don't recommend using it.


Thank you for replying.

I figured out that the problem was frame: 10mb.After I change 10mb to -1, It run well.

Thank you again