Tune elasticsearch for searching speed

Hi community,

Looking for some ideas on ways to improve searching performance of vector searches on Elasticsearch v8.15.0.

The index I'm running searches on contains 150M documents (they are only loaded once, and never refreshed afterwards), with just 3 fields: id, name, and embeddings (a 128-dimension vector). The Elasticsearch deployment (ECK) is running on a Kubernetes cluster (GKE) and has 40 data nodes with 30 CPUs and 220 GB of memory each, plus 2 masters and 2 coordinators. The index is configured with 40 primary shards (1 per data node, to speed up initial indexing) and 20 replicas each. The index stats look as follows:

health status index  uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size dataset.size
green  open   myindex _F_ZALb-TgeO9CzXD101Hw  40  20  149410256            0     14.4tb        702.2gb      702.2gb

The mapping of the embeddings field looks like this:

    "type": "dense_vector",
    "dims": 128,
    "index": True,
    "similarity": "cosine",
    "index_options": {
        "type": "hnsw",
        "ef_construction": 150,
        "m": 24,

Now, I have another dataset, also 150M rows, that I'm reading from BigQuery using Apache Spark with 5 nodes 8 cores each, and I'm iterating over each partition and sending multi search requests with a batch of 50 queries per msearch (8 tasks per node x 5 nodes x 50 simultaneous queries = 1250 concurrent searches).

I'm using the following query:

    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "should": [{
                "knn": {
                    "field": "embeddings",
                    "query_vector": [1.0, 0.54, 0.01, 1.5, ...],,
                    "k": 10,
                    "num_candidates": 100,
    "sort": {"_score", "desc"},
    "fields": ["id"],
    "size": 10,
    "_source": false

As you can imagine, searches take a super long time. I did some estimates and searching 1M rows takes around 2 hours. So, are there things I can change to improve the search performance?


Could you upgrade to 8.16.0 and use the new BBQ format? See 🎉 What’s new in Elastic 8.16

Wow, fresh out the oven. Will give it a try @dadoonet, thanks.

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@dadoonet unfortunately it's still about the same searching speed with your suggestion. I tried with 1M fields again, and the time is ~1.7 hours. A slight improvement, but nothing significant unfortunately :slightly_frowning_face:. Any other suggestions?

and I'm iterating over each partition and sending multi search requests with a batch of 50 queries per msearch

So, you are wanting to do about 150M individual searches over all the vectors?

At your current set up, I would imagine you should be able to do way more than 1k QPS.

What sort of QPS are you measuring with Elasticsearch right now? Note, utilizing single search latency as a stand in for this wouldn't work as you should be able to serve multiple 1000s of search requests at the same time.

I would consider:

  • Reducing the number of primaries. If using BBQ, reduce this to 5 or fewer. I would at least switch to int4_hnsw.
  • Increasing replica count
  • Force Merging segments down to below 10 segments
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