Turning off gateway

Is there anyone who experimented how much turning off gateway increased
indexing performance?

I tried to analyze source code shortly. If I use FS storage type, what
exactly does gateway do? All indices are being stored already in the disk.

Thank you
Best, Jae


Hello Jae,

The gateway makes sure your data persists across full cluster restart. So
if you use a shared gateway (like FS), you can store your indices in memory
safely, and you'll still be able to recover your data if the whole cluster
goes down.

That said, the recommended way to go is local gateway, since you only store
the data in once place - the file system of each node.

Best regards,

http://sematext.com/ -- Elasticsearch -- Solr -- Lucene

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 8:28 PM, Jae metacret@gmail.com wrote:

Is there anyone who experimented how much turning off gateway increased
indexing performance?

I tried to analyze source code shortly. If I use FS storage type, what
exactly does gateway do? All indices are being stored already in the disk.

Thank you
Best, Jae

