Two difference group_id get a same consumer of kafka

I use two logstash server with two difference group_id in input.kafka to get log data from kafka-input and ,but they become a same consumer and average the log data.
What the error I am not discover?

This is logstash-1(5.0.0) configuration:

input {
    kafka {
        bootstrap_servers => "host1:9092,host2:9092,host3:9092"
        group_id => "newlog"
        topics => ["online"]
        client_id => "newlog"
        auto_offset_reset => earliest
        consumer_threads =>  3

This is logstash-2(1.5.4) configuration:

 input {
       kafka {
            zk_connect => "cstr-01:2181,cstr-02:2181,cstr-03:2181"
            group_id => "logstash"
            topic_id => "online"
            reset_beginning => false
            consumer_threads =>  3
            queue_size => 50000
            rebalance_max_retries => 4

Best regards!

If you consume the same topic with different consumer group ids you should get duplicate data.

I would also check the offsets of the consumer groups with kafka and the thread owners. I think they would be different.