Unable concatenate multiple fields which is collected by metricbeat


I want to concatenate some fields in logstash using mutate and storing in message, but message filed is coming in logstash(after running in powershell , i am not able to see) this is my configuration-

else if [metricset] =~ /.+/  {  
grok {
match => [ "message1", "%{GREEDYDATA}"]
mutate {
remove_field => ["tags"]
					add_field => ["engine_id", "99004"]		
					replace => [ "type", "logs"]
					add_field => ["src_ip", "%{host}"]
		if "filesystem" in [system] and "pct" > "0.104" {
		mutate {
		add_field => [ "m1", " More then 10% disk space consumed"]
		add_field => [ "engine_log_id" , "1"]
		add_field => ["message" , "%{system} %{mount_point} %{metricset} %{m1}"]


output in powershell


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