Unable Return Multiple Variables from a transform in Elasticsearch Watcher script

Hi team,

I have written a watch script where I need to pass the total hits value from an es search query and also a variable that I have created using transform. I have referred the following link for this -- Watcher: Multiple transforms

Below is the script --

  "trigger": {
    "schedule": {
      "interval": "2h"
  "input": {
    "search": {
      "request": {
        "body": {
          "size": 1000,
		  "query": {
			"bool": {
			  "must": [],
			  "filter": [
				  "match_all": {}
				  "range": {
					"response_time": {
					  "gte": 70,
					  "lt": null
				  "match_phrase": {
					"field": "abc"
					"range": {
					  "response_datetime": {
						"gte": "{{ctx.trigger.scheduled_time}}||-2h",
						"lte": "{{ctx.trigger.scheduled_time}}",
						"format": "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
			  "should": [],
			  "must_not": []
        "indices": [
  "condition": {
    "script": {
      "source": "if (ctx.payload.hits.total >= params.threshold) { return true; } return false;",
      "params": {
        "threshold": 5
    "transform": {
      "script": {
        "source": """
		def map = [:]
		map.beginTime = Instant.ofEpochMilli(ctx.trigger.scheduled_time.getMillis()).minusSeconds(3600);
		map.no_of_txns = ctx.payload.hits.total;
		return map
  "actions": {
    "email_admin": {
      "email": {
        "profile": "standard",
        "from": "from_email@xyz.com",
        "to": ["my_email@abcd.com"],
        "subject": "Test Alert : Incident happened between {{ctx.payload.beginTime}} and {{ctx.trigger.scheduled_time}}",
        "body": {
          "html": "total count {{ctx.payload.no_of_txns}}"

Getting the below error while I'm simulating the script.


I'm new to painless. Can anyone please help me to identify what I'm doing wrong?


Hi @spinscale , Could you please help me to find out the issue?

Found the issue in my script. Made a silly mistake. Resolved!

Below is the updated scripts --

    "transform": {
      "script": {
        "source": """
		def map = [:];
		map.beginTime = Instant.ofEpochMilli(ctx.trigger.scheduled_time.getMillis()).minusSeconds(3600);
		map.no_of_txns = ctx.payload.hits.total;
		return map

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