Unable to authenticate custom user in chrome

I just deployed a elastic stack in a kubernetes cluster with:
FluentD + elasticsearch 6.1.2 + kibana 6.1.2

In the next step, I enabled the SSL encryption for the connection with my browser and created a custom user with the role kibana_user. Kibana just uses the default cert and key, which are generated by itself.

Authentication work for the built-in users like elastic or kibana. But I cannot login with the new user. Kibana logs show:

{"message":"[security_exception] unable to authenticate user [user1] for REST request [/.kibana/doc/config%3A6.1.2], with { header={ WWW-Authenticate="Basic realm=\"security\" charset=\"UTF-8\"" } }

Interestingly, when I clear the cache data in Chrome, I can log in.
How can that happen?

You need to set xpack.security.encryptionKey in kibana.yml otherwise the cache will get invalidated when you open different windows of Kibana.

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