Unable to connect kibana after encryption?

After reviewing the Shield documentation, it appears that one cannot use self-signed certs in conjunction with Shield: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/shield/current/ssl-tls.html

The message you're getting implies that your cert is self-signed, rather than signed by a CA... is that the case?

{"@timestamp":"2015-07-03T08:30:43.887Z","level":"error","node_env":"production","error":"Request error, retrying -- DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT"}
{"@timestamp":"2015-07-03T08:30:43.982Z","level":"warn","message":"Unable to revive connection: https://admin_es:akhilesh@localhost:9200/","node_env":"production"}
{"@timestamp":"2015-07-03T08:30:43.983Z","level":"warn","message":"No living connections","node_env":"production"}

Looks like you're trying to use a self signed certificate that either hasn't been signed by your own CA or you haven't included your CA in the Kibana configs.

yes, im getting the same error as self-signed... I generated the CA as per that link only...

I included the ca certificate in kibana configuration also.. still not working

Are you sure you signed the certificate with the CA you configured? Our theory based on the error message you are receiving is that while the CA exists, the certificate you are using is not signed with it.