Unable to do range and script query on the same field

I am trying to do a query which has range and script operations on a field,
I am able to run the query only if use either of the range or script operation, but not together.

Following is the query -

GET /listings/_search
		"query": {
		 "range" : {
        "forecast_quantity" : {
            "gte" : 250
			"constant_score": {
				"filter": {
					"bool": {
						"must": [{
							"script": {
								"script": {
									"source": "doc['forecast_quantity'].value > doc['minimum_quantity'].value",
									"params": {}

Following the data the I have -

	"took": 0,
	"timed_out": false,
	"_shards": {
		"total": 1,
		"successful": 1,
		"skipped": 0,
		"failed": 0
	"hits": {
		"total": {
			"value": 2,
			"relation": "eq"
		"max_score": 1.0,
		"hits": [{
				"_index": "listings",
				"_type": "_doc",
				"_id": "2",
				"_score": 1.0,
				"_source": {
					"listing_id": 2,
					"forecast_quantity": 222,
					"minimum_quantity": 200
				"_index": "listings",
				"_type": "_doc",
				"_id": "3",
				"_score": 1.0,
				"_source": {
					"listing_id": 3,
					"forecast_quantity": 333,
					"minimum_quantity": 300

I am getting the following error -

  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "parsing_exception",
        "reason": "[range] malformed query, expected [END_OBJECT] but found [FIELD_NAME]",
        "line": 8,
        "col": 7
    "type": "parsing_exception",
    "reason": "[range] malformed query, expected [END_OBJECT] but found [FIELD_NAME]",
    "line": 8,
    "col": 7
  "status": 400

you cannot just list different queries behind each other. Take a look at the bool query and it's filter clause, which can be an array of queries.

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