I am trying to insert log data using filebeat in an ElascticSearch.
The index is created but the data differ than the actual one.
My Log is
2020-01-17T17:13:43.218+0530 | INFO | crawler/crawler.go:106 | Loading and starting Inputs completed. Enabled inputs: 1 |
2020-01-17T17:13:43.218+0530 | INFO | cfgfile/reload.go:171 | Config reloader started |
2020-01-17T17:13:43.218+0530 | INFO | cfgfile/reload.go:226 | Loading of config files completed. |
2020-01-17T17:13:43.229+0530 | INFO | log/harvester.go:251 | Harvester started for file: C:\Users\Nilesh.Gunjkar\Desktop\ElasticSearch\LogsData\Book3.xlsx |
2020-01-17T17:13:46.182+0530 | INFO | add_cloud_metadata/add_cloud_metadata.go:89 | add_cloud_metadata: hosting provider type not detected. |
My Config File is
###################### Filebeat Configuration Example #########################
This file is an example configuration file highlighting only the most common
options. The filebeat.reference.yml file from the same directory contains all the
supported options with more comments. You can use it as a reference.
You can find the full configuration reference here:
For more available modules and options, please see the filebeat.reference.yml sample
configuration file.
#=========================== Filebeat inputs =============================
Each - is an input. Most options can be set at the input level, so
you can use different inputs for various configurations.
Below are the input specific configurations.
type: log
Change to true to enable this input configuration.
enabled: true
Paths that should be crawled and fetched. Glob based paths.
- D:\Desktop\ElasticSearch\LogsData*
#- c:\programdata\elasticsearch\logs*
Exclude lines. A list of regular expressions to match. It drops the lines that are
matching any regular expression from the list.
#exclude_lines: ['^DBG']
Include lines. A list of regular expressions to match. It exports the lines that are
matching any regular expression from the list.
#include_lines: ['^ERR', '^WARN']
Exclude files. A list of regular expressions to match. Filebeat drops the files that
are matching any regular expression from the list. By default, no files are dropped.
#exclude_files: ['.gz$']
- D:\Desktop\ElasticSearch\LogsData*
#================================ Outputs =====================================
Configure what output to use when sending the data collected by the beat.
#-------------------------- Elasticsearch output ------------------------------
Array of hosts to connect to.
hosts: ["elk.dev.echdev1.com"]
Optional protocol and basic auth credentials.
#protocol: "http"
#username: ""
#password: ""