Unable to load data HELP!

hi guys,

im attempting to run the following but received the error below not sure what is wrong, can someone shed some light?

input {
file {
path => "c:\users\administrator\downloads\chicago-food-inspection\food-inspection.csv"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
filter {
csv {

	separator => ","
	columns => [ "Inspection ID", "DBA Name", "AKA Name", "License #", "Facility Type", "Risk, Address", "City", "State", "Zip", "Inspection Date","Inspection Type", "Results", "Violations", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Location", 

mutate {convert => ["Inspection ID", "integer"] }
mutate {convert => ["License #", "integer"] }
mutate {convert => ["Latitude", "float"] }
mutate {convert => ["Longitude", "float"] }
mutate {
	rename => {
		"Latitude" => [location][lon]"
		"Longitude" => [location] [lat]"

output {
	elasticsearch {
	hosts => "locahost:9200"
	index => "food-inspections"

ES Mapping:

"mappings" : {
	"food-inspections": {
		"properties" : {
	"location" : { "type": "geo_point"},


I think you have a syntax problem, at least as posted:

columns => [ "field", ... ,}

It looks like you have a comma after the last field and you close the "[" with "}"

thanks, for the insight. I enclosed it with ] but now I'm getting an error below on line 23. Sorry been at this all day cant see where the error is

Missing double quote before [location]

Validate the yaml with a tool like http://www.yamllint.com/ before testing in logstash. That will catch some errors, probably not the one noted by the other responder.

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