Unable to read elasticsearch.6.0.1 index data into dataframe using pyspark

Hello everyone, I am using elastcisearch version 6.0.1 from AWS service. I am trying to read Es index data into spark dataframe using pyspark.

I can read all fields except the fields contain nested arrays.
The nested array contains another nested array in it.

Mappings in index is below:

	"accounts": {
		"type": "nested",
		"properties": {
			"accountClassificationOne": {
				"type": "text",
				"fields": {
					"keyword": {
						"type": "keyword",
						"ignore_above": 256
			"alternateNames": {
				"type": "nested",
				"properties": {
					"createDate": {
						"properties": {
							"chronology": {
								"type": "object"
							"millis": {
								"type": "long"
					"inactive": {
						"type": "boolean"
					"name": {
						"type": "text",
						"fields": {
							"autocomplete": {
								"type": "text",
								"analyzer": "customer_synonym_autocomplete",
								"search_analyzer": "customer_synonym"
							"de": {
								"type": "text",
								"analyzer": "customer_german_autocomplete",
								"search_analyzer": "german"
							"full": {
								"type": "text",
								"analyzer": "customer_synonym_full"
							"keyword": {
								"type": "keyword",
								"ignore_above": 256
							"normalize": {
								"type": "keyword",
								"normalizer": "lowercase_normalizer"
						"analyzer": "customer_synonym"
				"badDebt": {
					"type": "boolean"

config in pyspark code trying to read is:

es_options_read = {
    "es.nodes": es_nodes,
    "es.port": 443,
    "es.resource": "index_name/type",
    "es.query": myquery,
    "es.nodes.wan.only": "true",
    "es.read.field.as.array.include": "accounts",
    "es.read.field.include": "accounts"
Error is: 
 org.elasticsearch.hadoop.EsHadoopIllegalStateException: Field 'updateDate.chronology' not found; typically this occurs with arrays which are not mapped as single value

another error sometimes:    java.lang.NullPointerException. 

i tried multiple combination in arrays.include, struct field, explode and many in read options but no luck. could anyone help me on this.

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